Report shows average property price in Boyle is €178,358

According to the GeoDirectory Residential Building Report for Q2 2023, the average house price in Boyle is €178,358.
The report also shows that there were 134 residential property transactions conducted in the Boyle area for the 12 months to May 2023 of which 8.2% were new dwellings.
The average rent in County Roscommon is also shown as €880 per month – the third lowest in the country.
The county was also third lowest in terms of construction activity with only 147 buildings under construction in Q2.
10.6% of dwellings in the county were classed as vacant during the reported period – again the third largest in the country.
Roscommon in general recorded 699 residential property transactions in Q2, 6% of which were new dwellings with an average property price of €181, 402.
The transactions are based on Eircodes for which An Post town sorting centres have responsibility.
GeoDirectory was jointly established by An Post and Tailte Éireann to create and manage Ireland’s only complete database of commercial and residential buildings.
The figures are recorded through a combination of the An Post network of 5,600 delivery staff working with Tailte Éireann.
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