Over 40 participants for today’s ‘Reopening Boyle’ workshop

Over 40 Boyle businesses have registered for this morning’s (Thursday) workshop on ‘Covid -19 Reopening Boyle.’
The online event will take place from 10.00am-12.30pm.
The workshop follows on from the webinar held on Wednesday when over 30 Businesses in Boyle heard key Covid-19 considerations on returning to work, It was delivered by Ultima Training and overviewed such topics as Health & Safety, Infection Control, HR Issues, Business Continuity, Available Supports, Data Protection, Employee and Customer Communications.
A spokesperson for the organisers said: “ We were delighted with the response to last week’s webinar and the feedback we received from those who participated. It is great to see even higher numbers registered for today’s event which goes to show how eager businesses in Boyle are to reopen again while adhering to COVID-19 restrictions.”
The costs of the webinar and workshop are fully covered by Boyle Town Team and Boyle Chamber of Commerce, supporting all local businesses in making Boyle a safe place for employers/employees, customers and visitors during COVID 19.
An information COVID 19 page is also available on www. boyleenterprise.com to further assist local businesses.