Recent presentations at Learning Links

At a recent Presentation of Certificates of Major Awards Level 5 in Information Technology, Roscommon Learning Links expressed its’ delight with the marked increase in progression of their students since January of this year.
18 students have finished their Training since April 2015 almost 60% of those have opted to go to University or Further Education to achieve Higher Certificates at Level 6 or Degree Programmes while 35% have taken up full-time employment.
Their jobs include Tourism, Services Sector, Hospitality, Auctioneering and Construction.
Roscommon Learning Links Boyle, run full Time Level 4 and Level 5 Major Awards in Information Technology from their Training Rooms in Elphin Steet.
These are Local Training Initiatives funded by the GRETB-Galway Roscommon Education and Training Programmes.
All Courses offer QQI Certification allowing students’ progress to further Education if they wish, or gain certification in Office Applications, an essential requirement for all most all administrative type roles.
Indeed today no matter what one’s profession or background it’s difficult to survive without some level of IT knowledge and skill!
These Local Training Full Time Courses have been run in Roscommon Learning Links since 2010 and 100% achieving Certification with over 70% achieving Distinctions.
These courses are available to anyone who is currently unemployed and in receipt of a Social Welfare payment can be waitlisted for these Courses.
They Run Full-time Monday to Thursday with a half day on Friday. Martina McGee the IT Specialist for the Centre confirms “No one is never too old to start IT classes’, and £many of our students while starting out very cautious are astounded themselves at their own skills after a very short time’.
Anyone who is at a crossroads trying to decide where to next could do worse than pop in to Roscommon Learning Links to chat further about the Training Courses available.
To anyone who may be disappointed with Leaving Results and in a quandary about what to do, once they are registered with social Welfare they too can join the programme where up to 400 points can be achieved on a Level Programme.
Places will be available in September so if interested or you wish to find out more, call either Martina /Siobhan on 071 9664510 or drop in to their offices (next door to Trojan) any morning.
Healthcare Modules are also being run from the Centre commencing September 2015, and are advised, if interested to attend a GRETB Information evening in the Abbey Hotel Roscommon on Tuesday 1st September at 7pm, while if it’s Childcare you might be interested in, an Information session is being held in Hannon’s Hotel Roscommon on Thursday 3rd September at 8pm. For further detail on Healthcare or Childcare modules call GRETB Roscommon on 090 6634189.
A series of Computer Benefit Classes have just been completed at the Centre funded by Irish Rural Links where 20 participants have gained tuition and skill in Internet & Email. These classes were free and offered to those with little or no IT knowledge. It is hoped that these classes will be offered again in the Autumn. The Job Club are also scheduling a 4 week Programme running from the Centre(mornings only) so it’s all go at Roscommon Learning Links and the place to be this Autumn.
(Photo submitted) : Front Row L to R : Charles Traboue, Martin Sparks
Back Row L to R : Brenda Knott, Emma Beirne, Catherine Blain