Plans unveiled for new Boyle town centre library

Roscommon County Council has published details of the proposed new Boyle Town Library.
The 5000 square foot library will be housed in a new modern structure that will be constructed in the grounds of the former Royal Building that is currently undergoing refurbishment.
The new library development will include:
Construction of a 2-storey building, approximate area of 5,000 ft2, with a triple “A” pitched roof, to include timber cladding and large glazed windows
Construction of a Sensory Garden
Construction of Car Parking
Construction of an external fire escape stairs
Construction of single storey bin storage and plant room
All other associated site and ancillary works
The new Community Library will face out onto the proposed new river walk and it will form a prominent part of the public realm enhancements in the centre of town.
It will be built alongside the civic square at the rear of the Royal, with public seating, events space and views of the river.
The library will be fully accessible, flexible and suitable for the provision of innovative library services, including open library technology, into the future. The new library will be a free, community service available all year round.
The library will extend across two floors and will replace the current library in the basement of King House, freeing up that space for future development.
Clad in timber with large glazed windows along the ground floor, the form of the building is reminiscent of the original, and soon to be re-instated, double A pitch roof of the Royal Building.
The ground floor has an open plan. Its main spaces are orientated to the river and new public square with services areas at the rear of the building. On the first floor, the spaces are top lit and have framed views over the river. The proposal also includes a sensory room and sensory garden.
Plans and particulars of the proposed development are available for inspection (in the front windows only) at the offices of Roscommon County Council, Áras an Chontae, Roscommon Town and in the front windows of Boyle Municipal District Office.
Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made in writing on or before 5pm on 24th March 2022.