Planning granted for development at Boyle Station

Roscommon County Council has granted Iarnrod Eireann conditional permission for the following development at Boyle Railway Station, Station Road (Termon) Boyle:
The addition of a mobility impaired access structure (MIAS) that will be within the curtilage of a protected structure (NIAH Survey Data Reg. No. 11505163). The structure is a hybrid assembly of different concrete and steel elements including a pair of staircases (two flights each), free standing lift shafts, support portals and a walkway.
Associated works will include car park improvements, palisade fence on platform 1 to replace dwarf wall, repositioned palisade fence around MIAS on platform 2, re-positioned lighting posts on both platforms, compliant seating, standing rest bars, upgrades to display and announcement systems, installation of induction loops, installation of tactile paving at the end of each platform, replacement of compliant directional/informational signage, as well as tactile signage including braille information on wall and/or handrails and installation of help points
The planning permission was granted, with 7 conditions attached, on August 2nd.