Paul Young to open Boyle Arts Festival

The 26th annual Boyle Arts Festival and Visual Arts Exhibition will be officially opened at 8pm tonight in King House by Mr. Paul Young of the Cartoon Saloon.
The Festival which runs until August 1st will bring an exciting mix of music, drama, comedy, stunning art exhibitions, spoken word events, film, workshops and lots more over the ten day period.
(by Brendan McGee)
The BAF Committee would like to say that the Festival is only possible due to the overwhelming support of the Boyle Community – and for this we are extremely grateful. We would especially like to acknowledge our many sponsors throughout the business community of Boyle and we urge everybody to support them, by shopping local. We also wish to extend thanks to our many volunteers and helpers.
We look forward to welcoming many visitors, friends and supporters from near and far during the course of the Festival and we would encourage everybody to bring someone along to some of the events. So, ring up that cousin down in Cork or send an email to that couple you haven’t seen since their wedding and tell them to come to Boyle for a day or two! There’s comedy from David O’Doherty, music from De Dannan, Columbia Mills, Niall O’Sullivan, The Lost Brothers and The Henry Girls, drama from Jon Kenny, Mary McEvoy and Fregoli Theatre, spoken word from Carole Coleman, Geraldine Kennedy, Kevin Barry, Sam Moore and Patricia O’Reilly. Not forgetting film screenings, children’s and adults workshops, puppet shows, exploration domes and many more events. It all starts tonight, following the official opening, with a parade through the town featuring giant illuminated inflatables. Come along and join the fun from 9:30pm.
For more information see our programme, log on to or call into the Festival office on Bridge Street. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ Telephone 0719663085 email [email protected]
Boyle Arts Festival acknowledges the support of the Arts Council, Local businesses, Roscommon County Council, Foras Eireann and RTE Supporting the Arts.