Opening hours at Clarkes in Boyle
New opening hours at Clarke’s Restaurant and Bar, Saint Patrick Street, Boyle
Monday: Lunch from 12.30pm. Evening Meals from 5.0pm
Tuesday: Lunch from 12.30. Closed for Evening Meals
Wednesday: Lunch from 12.40pm. Closed for Evening Meals
Thursday Lunch from 12.30pm. Evening Meals from 5pm
Friday: Lunch from 12.30pm. Evening Meals from 5pm
Saturday: Lunch from 12.30pm. Evening Meals from 5pm
Sunday: Evening Meals from 5pm
Lunch served Monday to Saturday from 12.30pm.
Evening Meals served Thursday to Monday from 5pm.
Clarke’s is always available outside of these opening hours, catering for all occasions with delicious, tasty food.
For further information, please call Clarke’s on 071 966 2064 to book you table.
Thank you for your continued support.