Open Week at Boyle Golf Club

RESULTS – The mens’ 12 hole stableford played on Thursday the 28th of June was won by Jonathan Egan, with Michael Gilmartin and Padraig O’Connell coming in 2nd and 3rd. The “twos club” pool was split between Jonathan Egan and Michael Gilmartin.
The results of the competitions played on the weekend 30th of June and the 1st of July will be published next week.
FIXTURES – We are currently in the middle of our Open Week with competitions for ladies and gents taking place each day from Monday the 2nd of July to Friday the 6th. Highlights include Ladies Day on Tuesday, the Mixed Foursomes on Wednesday, an 18 hole strokeplay for the men on Thursday and a threeball scramble on Friday. There are also 9 hole competitions taking place most days in addition to the main 18 hole competition. Further details can be found on our website or our Facebook page “Boyle Golf Club”. We will hold a presentation night and barbeque on Friday the 6th of July.
COURSE WORK – The club owes a debt of gratitude to the volunteers who have been up at the course after dark night after night watering greens during the recent dry spell. Without their freely given labour the greens would have been badly damaged and possibly rendered unplayable for our Open Week. Thanks to all involved.