
Would you like to be involved with ‘Boyle Cares’?

If you are living in Boyle now or maybe grew up in Boyle but no longer live here, Boyle Family Resource Centre would like you to get involved in ‘Boyle Cares’.

Boyle Cares is a new community movement which hopes to raise awareness of mental health challenges which all of us can experience. The aim is to bring the whole community of Boyle together from individuals, to business owners, sporting organisations, clubs etc to show our community that we care.

“The next step of our Community initiative is to show one another that we all care about each other, that we all play an important part in our community and we are here to support one another”.

“We are asking for anyone to send in a clip of you or your family dancing to your favorite song, you can be in your home, garden, at a local landmark (within your 5k), wear your club/county colors, hold a sign of how proud you are of Boyle and send to Emer on 086-0143942”.

“We will compile all the clips together to show how much our community cares about one another”.

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