Online meeting tonight on ‘Town Centre First’ policy

An online public meeting will take place on Thursday April 29th at 8pm titled “Town Centres First – Bringing life back to the Towns and Villages of the North West.”
The meeting is open to those living in the constituency of Sligo, Leitrim, North Roscommon and South Donegal.
Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform Malcolm Noonan T.D. said: “I’m delighted to see such interest in our Towns Centre First policy. Across government we are working to develop a coherent and sustained response to the post-Covid world that our towns and villages face. In this regard, it is important that we reconsider our public realm and prioritise public transport, cycling and walking, making for healthier more attractive urban centres. I also believe that heritage-led regeneration should be at the core of this policy and we should unlock all of the potential in our older buildings to adapt for modern living and new innovative uses. I am looking forward to engaging with the people of Sligo, Leitrim, North Roscommon and South Donegal on 29th April”.
Dr Bláithín Gallagher – Constituency Spokesperson and National Coordinator of the Green Party/An Comhaontas Glas said:
“We are really pleased to have Minister Noonan visiting our Constituency. The Towns Centres First Policy, being driven by the Green Party in Government, is a beacon of hope for the many towns and villages in the northwest that were already struggling to survive before the pandemic. Making places that communities can be proud of and where they enjoy gathering, both formally and informally, is at the heart of this”
This public online meeting will take place at 8.00pm Thursday 29th April 2021 on Zoom. Persons wanting to take part in the meeting should email [email protected]