No heat this morning on Dublin train

It hasn’t been a good morning so far for Irish Rail in this general area.
The 05.45am train from Sligo which serves Boyle is running 25 minutes behind schedule due to a mechanical issue. This has resulted in knock on delays at intermediate stations.
The next rain to depart was the the 07.00am from Sligo Connolly again serving Boyle.
On what was one of the coldest night’s of the year, this train has no heat working.
Irish Rail attribute the problem to “an issue with the AC” .
The company took to Twitter to inform customers that “our maintenance team will hopefully rectify the problem as soon as possible”.
There was also no heat on the 06.15 commuter service from Longford this morning with one passenger saying this was a recurring problem with freezing conditions on the train all week.
And to add to the rail problems, passengers on the Castlerea to Dublin route will have to use a bus transfer to Athlone on the 09.45 service this morning due to a mechanical fault.