New son for Boyle’s famous son

Well known Hollywood actor and Boyle native Chris O’Dowd and his wife Dawn O’ Porter have announced the birth of their second son – Valentine.
The birth was announced on Twitter by Chris when he tweeed ‘We had a baby boy last week. Woohoo! His nappy expenses are ridiculous, so this baby is going ‘Cheep’. #DadJoke #Valentine’.
On her Instagram account Dawn posted on Wednesday “Happy to announce I am the proud owner of a chirpy little chap. Born July 1st, his name is Valentine O’Poter and he is so delicious. Two sons, my goodness #soinlove”
The couple have another boy – Art – who was born in January 2015.
The family are regular visitors to Chris’ home town of Boyle, a town he promotes at every available opportunity.