
New Aldi Store planned for Boyle Town Centre

Aldi Stores (Ireland) Limited have signalled their intention to apply for planning permission for development at a site (c.0.84 ha) at the former Candons site and lands to the rear of Patrick Street in Boyle.

The development will consist of the demolition of derelict buildings and structures (C.1,043sqm) to the (rear) west of and south of the two storey terrace of buildings fronting Patrick Street and the repair and refurbishment of the terrace to provide 5 two storey residential dwellings (3 one bed, 2 two bed) each with private amenity space, car parking and commercial bin storage area.

Reconfigured site access from Patrick Street to lands to rear to facilitate the construction of a single storey discount food store (to include off licence use) with a gross floor area of c.1,839 sqm (net retail area 1,315 sqm), standalone single storey ESB substation and switch room (c. 21sqm). The development includes the erection of 1 internally illuminated two sided pole sign at the site entrance at Patrick Street and 2 internally illuminated store signs at northern elevation and eastern elevation (c.20.44 sqm signage in total). The development will be served by 96 car parking spaces and 10 cycle parking spaces (and bicycle shelter). The proposed development includes all engineering works, landscaping works, boundary treatments, external plant area, solar panels at roof level and site development works to facilitate the scheme.

(File image for illustration purpose only – not the planned store)

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