National Slow Down Day commences at 7am this morning

An Garda Síochána will conduct a 24hr national speed enforcement operation, “Slow Down” supported by the Road Safety Authority (RSA) and other stakeholders today Monday 2nd September 2024.
An Garda Síochána conducts a number of high profile National Slow Down days every year. The aim of National Slow Down Day is to remind motorists of the dangers of speeding, to increase overall compliance with speed limits in place nationwide and to deter those that are intent on driving at excessive or inappropriate speed.
As summer draws to a close, seasonal weather changes creep in and we look to shorter, darker evenings ahead; driving conditions will become more challenging. With the return of schools across the country, additional traffic will be on the roads, in particular younger vulnerable road users, pedestrians, cyclists and school buses dropping and collecting school children.
It is important to remember that no matter how good the road and weather conditions are, any increase in speed will significantly increase the likelihood of being involved in a serious or fatal road traffic collision.
Last year, saw an increase in fatal road traffic collisions, with a total of 184 people losing their lives in 173 fatal collisions. This compares to 154 deaths in 149 collisions in 2022 – a 19% increase on 2022.
Up to end of June 2024 over 70,000 fixed charge notices had been issued to drivers driving in excess of the speed limit, over 375 drivers every day (Garda and GoSafe detections)
Speeding not only puts you at risk but also endangers the lives of others around you. Every time you speed, there is an increase in the likelihood of losing control of your vehicle, which could lead to a serious or fatal accident.
The consequences of speeding can be devastating, not only for yourself but for other innocent people on the road.