Minister launches ‘Energising Boyle Town Centre’ project
The process of having the new public realm work in the centre of Boyle commence in the not too distant future, moved a step closer on Wednesday when Minister for Rural Development Heather Humphreys officially launched the “Energising Boyle Town Centre and King House” project.
This project is a category 1 project that was approved for funding of €2,174,400 from the third call for applications under the Rural Regeneration Fund. The cost of the project is €2,416,000.
This project will focus on King House Cultural Quarter and involves the upgrade of the Public Realm in Boyle from the end of ‘The Crescent’ through the town centre to King House, taking in Bridge Street, Shop Street and the former Royal Hotel car park and along the Boyle river with the overriding aim that the entire riverside area of the town acquires a sense of cultural and historical significance.
This project also includes improving the offer in King House to create an added activity for people visiting the town from the Lough Key to Boyle Cycleway, and encourage them to stop and explore the town.
The envisaged new focus of cultural quarter facilities will be a new pedestrian focused riverside area to encourage visitors and promote a strong urban community to help support the economy of the wider rural hinterlands of Boyle.
Minister Humphreys, in launching the project in King House, remarked that this was her third visit to Boyle and she really enjoys every visit she makes to the town. She remarked the level of grant aid her Department had allocated to Boyle and complimented the way the town is working together. She said she looked forward to again visiting Boyle when the main projects come to fruition.
The Minister spent some time touring King House and in particular viewing the upgraded Connaught Rangers exhibition of which she was highly complimentary.
Following an outline by Adrian Kielty of all the work that the ‘Energising Boyle’ project entails, Director of Services with Roscommon Co Co Majella Hunt thanked the Minister for all she has done to date for Boyle town and remarked that when all the current work was completed and when the Minister next comes back- “Boyle will be a different town”.
The event was attended by Boyle Town Team members, local councillors and Oireachtas members, officials from Roscommon Co Co, representatives of the Connaught Rangers Association and invited guests.