Many Boyle business will reopen today

A number of Boyle retail businesses will reopen today Monday June 8th under Phase Two of the ‘Roadmap for reopening Business and Society’.
On Friday, Government announced an acceleration of the Roadmap, “which has been made possible thanks to the progress made by the Irish people in suppressing the virus, meaning certain sectors and public amenities can open earlier than previously planned. All retail stores can open from this Monday, and it is planned that the domestic tourism sector and some hospitality operators can resume from June 29th”.
From today Monday June 8th:
- People can travel 20km or within their own county
- The retail sector can reopen (subject to them being compliant to do so – Controls, Risk Assessments etc)
- Shopping Centres can open on Monday June 15th
- Hospitality Sector can open on the 29th June
- Creches can open for essential workers and those who cannot work from home on the 29th June – remainder on the 20th July
- Pubs that sell food will be permitted to open on 29th June (subject to being compliant to do so – Controls, Risk Assessments etc)
- All other pubs can open on 20th July rather than the previous 10th August date (subject to them being compliant to do so – Controls, Risk Assessments etc)
- At the moment – Hairdressing/Beauty industry to remain closed until 20th July as deemed to be a high risk sector
- Organised outdoor exercise, sporting, cultural or social activities of up to 15 people may take place.
Under the reconfiguration of the Roadmap, there are now just two remaining phases instead of three, with Phase 3 starting on the 29th of June, and Phase 4 on the 20th of July. Further work will be carried out in the coming days and weeks to determine which actions will take place in each phase. Some measures such as bans on mass gatherings may need to remain in place well into August as will public health advice around hygiene and physical distancing.
According to An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar: “It is vital as we accelerate the Roadmap, that we all continue to stick to the basic hygiene and social distancing measures that have become a part of our daily lives; washing our hands regularly, keeping 2 metres apart, observing coughing etiquette and avoiding crowded places”.
Finally, Boyle Chamber of Commerce and Boyle Town Team wish all local businesses a safe re-opening in the coming days and weeks, and look forward to supporting you all and shopping local. “We thank all the essential businesses that served us so well throughout lockdown. We are delighted that our town is now ready to re-open thanks to all who stayed home and safe over the last 3 months. Remember now, to stay local supporting our home grown businesses, and adhering to the guidelines as provided by each business in these new times”.