Major development planned for Boyle Celtic grounds

Planning permission is being sought from Roscommon County Council for a number of developments at Boyle Celtic grounds in Deerpark, Sligo Road, Boyle.
An application has been lodged with the local authority for permission to:
- Demolish of two sheds adjacent to the south boundary
- Construction of a single storey extension to the existing club house building with connection to
existing on site services - Internal alterations to the existing club house building to provide open plan meeting space and
modifications to the existing window and door openings on the north and south elevations - Construction of an all weather pitch in place of the existing main grass pitch with associated ancillary site works to include construction of a spectator stand, providing of perimeter fencing, widening of the existing vehicle entrance from the public road on the east boundary
- Provision of a new pedestrian and bicycle entrance from the public footpath on the east boundary
- Surfacing of car park area and lining for 25 car parking spaces, 2 accessible parking spaces, a bus set down area, 7 bicycle stands and installation of three 7m high flag poles
- Reposition one 18m high flood light stand at the south east corner of the main pitch
- Upgrade the existing flood lighting to main pitch and astro turf pitch with new LED lighting with connection to existing on site services.
The application was lodged on June 13th with a decision due from Roscommon Co Co on August 7th