Leaving Cert results available today
58,000 students nationwide will receive their leaving Cert results today, including a large number from Abbey Community College in Boyle.
Irish continues to grow in popularity, with almost 3% more sitting exams in the subject this year.
The number of candidates opting for the Higher Level paper also continues to grow – up by more than 7% this year compared to last.
This can be attributed to the decision, several years ago, to give more marks to an oral component in the exam.
The popularity of Science subjects is growing.
4.6% more candidates sat Physics this year. The number taking Chemistry rose by almost 4% and the number taking Biology is up by 2,7%.
In all three subjects the numbers opting for the Higher Level paper have also grown, by between almost 7% and 4%.
Last June many students sitting the Ordinary Level Maths paper were upset by some questions contained in it.
There is good news for them this morning.
There were surprisingly strong results, given the controversy over Paper 1 which left some in tears and prompted Minister for Education Jan O’Sullivan to query whether it was too hard. The proportion of students getting an A, B or C rose from 66.7 per cent to 73.7 per cent, while the proportion who failed dropped from 8.6 per cent to 5.9 per cent.
27% of students sat the higher level maths paper (same as last year) with the failure rate rising to 5.2 per cent, up from 4.2 per cent last year, 3.3 per cent in 2013 and 2.3 per cent in 2012.
Students may pick their results up from their school from 9am or can access them online from 12 noon.
CAO places will become known on Monday.