Basketball registration on Thursday evening

Boyle Basketball Club will hold a registration evening on Thursday September 12th from 7pm to 8pm in the complex at Abbey Community College. Please read below carefully as the format has changed this year.
U10 Boys and Girls
Same format as last year we have a cut off of 15 players per team. Anyone after that will go on a waiting list. Registration can be paid on the night. WE ARE LOOKING FOR HELPERS TO ASSIST OUR COACHES AT THIS AGE GROUP.
U12 Girls
No cut off for this age group come along and register on the night. Registration can be paid on the night.
U12 Boys
Cut of is 15 players for this age group a waiting list will then be applied. It’s first come first served basis. Registration can be paid on the night.
New format for u14/u16/u18 Boys and Girls
We invite you to come along on the night to express your interest in playing. Once we have your details a message will be sent out to invite you to come and try out for the team. There is a maximum of 15 places for each age group. No registration fee will be collected from you on this night you will be only signing up to express your interest in trying out for the team.. ONLY names that have expressed interest will be invited to team try-outs.
We have no choice but to cut our numbers at certain age groups this season as we just don’t have the coaches to enter 2 teams at each age group.
Registration Costs
€80 per player
€120 family of 2
€220 family 3+
More exciting news – For the first time ever, we are hoping to introducing our first ever nursery program – Baby Bouncers. More info on this to follow. Looking forward to seeing you all soon