Boyle SportNews
Jason Beirne wins Boyle Golf Club’s President’s Prize

PRESIDENTS PRIZE 2024 – Well done to Jason Beirne who was the winner of this years Presidents Prize to the men, which was his second major after winning a Captain Prize a few years ago. He played some fanstastic golf on the way round, including being level par on the 2nd of his 3 nines.
2nd Prize – Michael O’Dowd, Gross Gary Carty, 3rd Keith Dowling, Past President Vincent Egan, Senior Prize Pat Brogan, Category 0-13 Mark O’Donohoe, 14-20 Mark Whelan, 21+ Pat Conroy, 1st 9 Tim Hester, 2nd 9 Noel McKenna, 3rd 9 Niall O’Donohoe.
Presidents Prize to the Ladies – 1st Regina McLoughlin, 2nd Caroline Morgan, 3rd Mandy Toolan