Info sought on defibrillator locations

Boyle Defibrillator Group are looking to compile a full list of Defibrillators/AEDs in the Boyle area.
If your Business, Club or Group has a Defibrillator could you please send the following information onto Áine at [email protected]
- Location and address the Defib/AED is located at.
- Whether it is inside or outside the building.
- Contact name, phone number and email address for person in charge of the defib.
This is to help with a new Emergency Call App that is being developed for the county. The free EmCall App can be used to ring 112/999 in the event of a cardiac arrest.It will also locate the nearest accessible Defibrillator to the incident scene and notify 6 trained C.P.R. responders who are linked to that Defibrillator.
This will hopefully help increase the survival rate from cardiac arrests in Roscommon which is currently only between 5-7%.