Heritage Week registration opens

National Heritage Week, Ireland’s annual celebration of built, natural and cultural heritage, will take place this year from 20th to 28th August 2016.
Event registration for Heritage Week 2016 opened on 10 May 2016. Registration for the print guide will close on 10 June. The print guide is distributed across Ireland to OPW sites, museums, libraries, local authorities and tourist offices. Registration for the web listings will stay open until 19 August
‘Heritage Week is a great opportunity for people to showcase what is great about their locality. It is always an action packed and fun week in Co. Roscommon. Roscommon County Council is delighted to promote Heritage Week as an action of County Roscommon Heritage Plan 2012-2016’, said Nollaig Feeney Heritage Officer , Roscommon County Council
You can find out more on www.heritageweek.ie
(pic courtesy Hexicamaerials.com)