‘HER Outdoors’ Activator Poles event in Boyle
HER Outdoors Week will take place from 14th-20th August 2023.
In Boyle, there will be a free ‘Walk in the Park-Activator Poles’ event in Lough Key Forest park on Thursday August 17th at 6pm
HER Outdoors week aims to celebrate and encourage more females to get out and enjoy the benefits of being in the outdoors while bringing visibility to the opportunities for females to get involved in outdoor physical activity.
This week will be an opportunity for ALL females to escape to the outdoors and try something new. There are so many incredible outdoor activities on offer and this should be celebrated to the fullest!
ACTIVATOR Poles were designed by Canadian therapists and are particularly suitable for people with balance concerns or mobility issues or those with low fitness levels who want an introduction to physical activity.
The poles may be suitable for post/hip knee surgery, people with MS, arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, or Osteoarthritis. The programme is suitable for all abilities. Poles will be provided.
You can register for this free event here