Guidelines issued for attending Mass in St. Joseph’s

Mass in St. Joseph’s Church in Boyle will be open to a limited number of people from Saturday evening 25th July for the Vigil Mass at 7.30p.m. and thereafter following the usual schedule.
“We look forward to gathering even though numbers will be limited to 90. While keeping with Government Guidelines and the health and safety of everyone we will be asking everyone to wear a facemask to keep others safe as well as ourselves”.
“As you arrive at the main door of the Church people are asked to queue staying 2 meters apart and to follow the directions of Stewards at all times”.
“Stewards will guide you as you come in, place your offering in the basket provided and sanitize your hands, then you will be guided to your seat”.
“We will be asking you to remain in your seat until the end of Mass”.
“There will be two Communion Stations, one near the organ and one beside the Baptismal font. You will be guided by the stewards and after receiving Communion in your hand you are asked to exit the Church quietly and reverently. You may not return to your seat”.
“The duty to attend Mass on Sunday is dispensed with for the moment. People may if they so wish attend Mass on any of the weekdays or continue to watch on the Webcam”.
“External speakers have been installed at each of the doors to facilitate people who can’t get in because of numbers”.
“You can enter the Church at the end of Mass to receive Holy Communion. The Stewards will guide you as you
“We regret any inconvenience and please be patient in these challenging times.”