Funding awarded to local groups under C.E. Programme

Ballinameen Afterschool was among 3,000 organisations and groups nationwide that were awarded funding yesterday under the 2020 Community Enhancement Programme (CEP).
The group received €4,000.
Others locally that received allocations included Northern Harps Ladies Gaelic Football Club €1,750, Arigna Community Development Company (€4,000), Arigna Foroige Club (€903), Gurteen Tidy Towns (€900), Culfadda Community Defib Group (€1,000) and Eastern Harps GAA Club (€2,000).
Fianna Fáil Senator for Roscommon/Galway Eugene Murphy has welcomed the funding and said “The Programme, funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development, is designed to support community groups, particularly in disadvantaged areas, through the provision of small capital grants”.
“Among the projects funded in 2020 include childcare groups and playgrounds, recreational groups, community gardens and premises, sports grounds and initiatives that support the elderly”.
“There were two rounds of this funding in 2020 – June and August – with a total of €7m available to improve facilities”.
“The Programme shows how relatively small amounts of funding can make a big difference to communities and organisations that carry out really important work. Community groups have really come to the fore in the past year during the Covid 19 pandemic and we all realise the importance and strength of community groups now more than ever as they play a vital role in the continued well being for people,” said Senator Murphy.
“An additional €5 million was secured as part of the July Stimulus for community centres which is making a big difference across the country”.
Senator Murphy said that groups should contact their Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) for information on the 2021 CEP when this is launched later this year.
Some examples of the type of projects supported include: The development of COVID-19 compliant play areas for children; The purchase of COVID-19 related equipment to facilitate the reopening of community premises; Upgrades to community centres and facilities, as well as the purchase of equipment to maintain community gardens and areas and marquees, heaters, IT and other equipment to facilitate social distancing.