Friday deadline for submissions on Development Plan

The deadline for submissions on the Issues Paper for the Roscommon County Development Plan review is Friday 31st July 2020 at 4.30 pm.
Roscommon County Council is encouraging everyone to get involved, become engaged and have their say in order to help influence how our county grows and develops over the coming years by contributing to the public consultation process for the new County Development Plan.
The County Development Plan is a document which guides the future growth and development of the County over a period of several years.
The Council commenced the public engagement for the plan in March with the publication of a public consultation document which identifies some of the key challenges facing the county in areas such as housing, employment, infrastructure, climate action, energy and transport. The Issues Paper is available to read at
Roscommon County Council would like to encourage as many people as possible to become engaged with and get involved in contributing to the county development plan. The Council want to hear people’s views, expectations and hopes about how they feel the county should grow and prosper in the coming years.
Submissions will be accepted from members of the public and prescribed stakeholders up until 4.30pm, on 31st July 2020.