Five week road closure commences

Roscommon County Council gives notice of its decision to close the R-327 from its junction with the L-1602 to the Galway County Boundary at Glenmore Townland, Co. Roscommon.
It will close from Monday 19th February 2018 to Friday 23rd March 2018.
Alternative Routes: Traffic will be diverted west along the R-327 from the Junction with the L-1602 into Cloonfad, keep left and take the N83 into Dunmore, keep left again taking the R360 towards Williamstown and vice versa in the opposite direction.
Reason for Road Closure: To facilitate the construction of a new water main as part of the Castlerea & Environs Water Supply Scheme contract.
All necessary approach signage and diversion signage will be used at the required locations as per Traffic Management Plan.
A map showing the proposed road closure and diversion route is available on