€50,000 grant towards Boyle Celtic spectator stand

Deputy Frank Feighan has welcomed the awarding of a grant of €50,000 for the construction of a spectator stand at Celtic Park in Boyle.
The grant was among a total of €350,000 awarded in new funding to support seven clubs across County. Roscommon on Friday afternoon.
The funding is being provided as part of the CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) programme funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and forms part of the Government’s ambitious new five year policy for rural Ireland, Our Rural Future.
Senator Eugene Murphy has also welcomed the news saying: “It is fantastic to see the time and effort put in every week by club members and volunteers in our communities to be rewarded with this new funding. I want to thank every club member and volunteer for everything they do in making our communities a better place”.