€48k funding for local childcare
Funding of €48,655 has been made available by the Government to help improve the quality of school age childcare in Roscommon.
Senator Frank Feighan in welcoming the news said “This round of funding will benefit 10 providers in the county namely:
Chatterland Playschool & Creche, Palace Walk, Elphin €4,991
Strokestown Community Playschool, Lisroyne, Strokestown, €4,999
St. Fidelma’s Childcare Centre Corbally Road, Tulsk €4,999
Greenfields Childcare, Lisnamult Community Centre, Lisnamult €5,000
Cuan Bhríde Childcare Centre, Fourmilehouse, €4,528
Grovelands Childcare, Corran Riada, Monksland
St John’s Preschool Ltd St. John’s Pre-school Ltd., Lecarrow €5,000
Réiltíní Roxboro Preschool Derrane,
Patricia’s Montessori and Afterschool Club, The Enterprise Hub, Castlerea €4,743
Croghan Fairy Bush Croghan National School, Carrowmore, Croghan, Boyle €5,000.00
“This funding is part of a nationwide allocation of €1.2m from the School Age Childcare Capital Scheme announced by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr. Katherine Zappone today.
“This funding builds on the recent allocation of similar funding to providers in the county to help new and existing services to increase the number of childcare places that they provide.
“Improving the quality of existing school age childcare services was one of the key actions of the Action Plan on School Age Childcare, published in March. Examples of how we do this given by Minister Zappone include the provision of age appropriate play equipment to stimulate children mentally and physically. The idea of this is to try to replicate the home environment for children where they need to avail of childcare afterschool.
“Fine Gael is also delivering on its election commitment to help ease the financial cost of childcare for hard-pressed working families. New childcare supports coming on stream this September will benefit up to 70,000 children.
“A new universal childcare subsidy, of up to €1,040 per year, is available for children aged from 6 months up to starting their free pre-school year (ECCE Scheme) at 36 months. In addition to this universal payment, there will also be further childcare supports for families who need them most. Families on lower incomes, who qualify by way of a means test, will be eligible for supports worth up to €7,500 per year for children aged 6 months to 15 years of age.
“I strongly encourage all parents to visit – affordablechildcare.ie – to see the supports available to their family.”