Drumderrig presentation to Dr Colm
“Drumderrig House wishes Dr Colm Loftus a happy and healthy retirement. (Plenty of golf, coffee and cooking). Thank you for looking after all of us here for the last 20 years. A fantastic addition to our team here in Drumderrig House, he is a brilliant doctor who went above and beyond for his patients. He is very kind, caring, understanding, enthusiastic and empathetic to all our patients and staff”.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done for Drumderrig House directly and indirectly; it’s much appreciated and we shall miss working with you. Your guidance and encouragement have helped us and so many other co-workers thrive in a very competitive environment, and we’ve been so fortunate to have your expertise to rely on”.
“Thank you for passing on you knowledge to us and also your support and encouragement. You were always very approachable and understanding”.
“On a personal level, we have enjoyed our friendship and will delight in continuing it into your retirement, even when we no longer work together. We will also miss your daily comradery, problem solving and cheeky smile.
From all in Drumderrig House”.