DC generator goes on display

After many years of discussion and planning, the Blackstone Engine that helped generate electricity for the town was put on public display on Monday 25th April.
The first part of the engine was put in place on Monday with two other parts due to be erected during the week.
Understanding the historical significance of the engine to the town, Boyle Chamber of Commerce purchased the engine from the Stewart family and put in train plans for it to go on permanent display at Mockmoyne in Boyle.
Roscommon County Council provided the plinth and surrounding area free of charge while Boyle Chamber of Commerce also funded some landscaping work.
The engine was initally purchased in 1932 by John Stewart and helped generate electricity for Boyle until 1965 with DC power.
It is a 52hp single cyclinder diesel engine with a flywheel weighing 2.5 tonnes.
The three parts of the engine were resprayed by Lannon Crash Repairs, Forest View, Boyle