Curtain draws to a close on successful Boyle Musical

After almost three months of rehearsals and five spectacular performances, Boyle Musical Society reluctantly drew the curtains on Saturday night and bid a final “So Long, Farewell” to ‘The Sound of Music’.
(By Brendan McGee)
“So Long” to the nuns of Nonnberg Abbey, especially Mother Abbess, Sisters Sophia, Margaretta and Berthe, who lifted our spirits far above the mountains with their beautiful voices!
“Farewell” to Herr Detweiler and Frau Schraeder, there is simply no way to stop you!
“Auf Wiedersehen” to Herr und Frau Zeller, Admiral von Schreiber, Rolf, Franz, Frau Schmidt, Baron and Baroness Elberfeld and Ursula. Your precision and efficiency has been noted!
And “Adieu” to the Captain, Maria, Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, Marta and Gretl von Trapp, it was an absolute pleasure to have all of you in town for the last four nights!
We are so fortunate to have such an enthusiastic and talented cast, production team, committee, stage crew, tech team and orchestra, who climbed every mountain to bring this heart-warming production to life, not forgetting all our volunteers in catering, stewarding, front of house, make-up and hair, shop, programme and raffle sales.
Well done everybody!
And to our audiences who came out in such huge numbers to attend ‘The Sound of Music’. You are the heartbeat of Boyle Musical Society. Your cheers, applause and presence each night, added the final layer of enchantment to our performances. We couldn’t have asked for more.
To all the local individuals and especially the businesses that sponsored our show, you are our life blood. We encourage everybody to love where they live and support all of them over the Christmas shopping season.
It is our turn to go to the hills now, and dream it all up again in time for our 40th musical, which is already less than a year away!!
(Photo by Benny Morgan).