County gets €689k under Community Recognition Fund

Roscommon County Council has been allocated €689,057 under the Community Recognition Fund.
This initiative is designed to specifically support communities across the country that have welcomed and are hosting families and citizens from Ukraine and other countries.
The money, which is part of an nationwide package of €50m, will support a range of projects such as:
· The refurbishment of local sports clubs and facilities
· The upgrade of community facilities such as play areas, walkways, parks and community gardens
· The purchase of equipment to benefit local clubs, festivals, music and arts organisations
· The enhancement of school or parish facilities that are open to the wider community after hours or on weekends
· Transport infrastructure such as community vehicles and bus shelters
Dr Bláithín Gallagher, Member of National Executive Committee and Constituency Spokesperson for the Green Party, spoke about how important this funding is; “I am delighted to see communities across Ireland get recognition and support for the crucial work they have done. The people of the North West have opened their homes to the Ukrainian people in their time of need and it is fantastic that this generosity is being supported. This funding will be a major aid to local organisations from sports clubs to community groups, from schools to transport.”