
Cancellation announced of Boyle Arts Festival 2020

This year’s Boyle Arts Festival is another casualty of Covid-19 with the festival committee this morning announcing it’s cancellation.

In a statement the committee said: “It is with regret that it has been decided to cancel Boyle Arts Festival 2020. We were at a very advanced stage of planning for this year’s Festival but we are convinced that on the basis of current health authority and Government advice, it would be unsafe to proceed”.

“We take this decision purely on the grounds of health and safety. We are very conscious of the need to protect our community, our visitors, our audiences, our artists and of course our committee along with our multitude of volunteers and support staff”.

“We, the BAF organising committee would like to thank all of you for the generations of support thus far. We are especially grateful to all our sponsors and venue providers over the years…  but we will be back in 2021, even bigger and better”.

“The provisional dates for the next Boyle Arts Festival are July 15th to 24th 2021”.

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