The Boyle’d Pot 3/01/14

Waste Collection
Were you one of the many who had to jump up and down in your wheelie bin this Christmas to compact the waste? Many had to as they got caught out with the change in collection days for the weekly service. The length of time between the last food waste collection and the next is too long and it has resulted in an obvious increase in indiscriminate dumping on many back roads. In addition, the closure of the Civic Amenity until New Year’s eve was problematic, at a time when there is excess paper and cardboard in many homes. (And remember to put your recycle bins out tonight (Friday) for collection tomorrow morning).
Christmas Lights 2014
Christmas is a distant memory and thoughts move to Spring and St. Patrick’s Day but wouldn’t it be an ideal time to now commence fundraising to replace the Boyle Christmas lights for 2014? Every December the hardy annuals have the unenviable task of trying to extract money from cash starved local businesses to fund the lights. A few fundraising events in St. Joseph’s Hall between now and the autumn could raise the necessary money to perhaps buy a second hand lighting system while at the same time giving the public an excuse for a night out!
Tractor Run
Well done to the organisers of he New Year’s day Tractor Run in Kingsland which paid a visit to Boyle on what was an otherwise quiet day. A “Tractor Run” sounds like something out of Kilnaskully but in reality it is a spectacle to behold and those who participated seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves, which is what it is all about, while raising money for a worthy cause – Pieta House. The size of some of the vehicles and the 13 RN registrations would lead one to think that all is not lost yet in the farming scene around this area!
Boyle’s Wish List
Top of the wish list for Boyle in 2014 must be a hotel and also a jobs announcement for the area. Will we ever get the hotel you ask? So many proposals have been turned down that we may have given up hope. Is there any location that would be suitable? Well perhaps a new build may not be the answer and a look at some of the existing larger buildings in the town should be in order with a view seeking a change of use. Boyle also needs a 20-30 person job announcement this year. Maybe no one is currently looking for either the hotel or the jobs but now is the time to get a small ambitious committee together to ensure Boyle receives both in 2014.
CCTV for Boyle?
This month will tell whither Boyle Garda Station is to remain a 24 hour facility. The odds are that it will not (see Boyle’d Pot 13/12/13 ). Should the inevitable happen, Boyle will be left wide open for criminal activity. There will be plenty of P.R. spin associated with any reduction in hours but there is no way that the level of service will remain as to fore if hours are reduced. Even at present, the geographical distance that Boyle Gardaí have to cover is ridiculous and they can not be in so many places at one time. In light of this it may be appropriate to look at a CCTV system for our town. They have a system in Castlerea and it has led to a reduction in crime there. Is it now time for Boyle to get it’s CCTV in place?
And Finally….!
A man goes into a pharmacy – reaches into his pocket and takes out a small Irish whiskey bottle and a teaspoon.
He pours from the bottle onto the teaspoon and offers it to the pharmacist.
“Could you taste this for me, please?”
The pharmacist takes the teaspoon, puts it in his mouth, swills the liquid around and swallows it.
“Does that taste sweet to you?” says the man.
“No, not at all,” says the chemist.
“Oh that’s a relief,” he says, “The doctor told me to come here and get my urine tested for sugar.”