Boyle Town Team Chairman reflects on successful year

As 2024 draws to a close, the Chairman of Boyle Town Team has been reflecting on another successful year.
According to the Team Chairman, Ciaran Sheerin: “2024 has seen Boyle Town Team secure €238,749 in state aid, which is most welcome. The funds will go towards several projects that will benefit the town, some which commenced in 2024 and others on which work will commence in 2025″. They include:
- Improvement works to The Lawn area.
- Installation of a Calisthenics Unit, Multi Use Games Area and new Public Lighting in the Pleasure Grounds.
Ciaran also welcomed the €1.2m awarded during the year to Moylurg Rockingham under the Just Transition Fund that will go towards the design and planning stage of the larger Lough Key Masterplan. He said this plan will have a major economic benefit to Boyle when it goes ahead – doubling visitor and employee numbers in our national park.
“Work is now nearly completed on the public realm enhancement of the Bridge Street and Shop Street areas of the town and early 2025 should see this project closed out. We are actively liaising with Roscommon Co Co in relation to additional public realm works on St. Patrick Street and the Crescent area to compliment the Bridge St/Shop St project” according to Ciaran.
Ciaran highlighted the great work undertaken by the Town Team in supporting the Courthouse committee with future planning and the support given to the Christmas Lights committee in fundraising and organization.
He also detailed the involvement the Town Team had in the Global Rossie Day last May along with the large financial support the Team provided towards the Tidy Towns.
“Near the end of 2024, the Team were instrumental in getting a number of way pointing signs erected throughout the town which will be of great use to tourists in 2025 who want to navigate through Boyle to see all we have on offer. A huge thanks to Lisa Joy from the county council who lead this project and was also pivotal in the grant application for The Lawn area”.
The Town Team were also involved in the production of the Moving West TV programme that showcased Boyle along with many members being the the fore in ensuring the Christmas Lights were erected in the town this year”.
Ciaran thanked the Town Team executive and members for their support and assistance throughout the year. He also had a word of thanks to the executive of Roscommon Co Co and in particular Adrian Farrell who oversaw the public realm work in Boyle and who kept in constant contact with the Team.
In conclusion, Ciaran highlighted how appreciative he is of the great work of all the voluntary organizations working to make Boyle a better place throughout 2024. “We are very fortunate to be blessed with very active volunteer bodies who give selflessly of their time from sporting groups, cultural, charitable, tidy towns etc. I very much appreciate the selfless time given by the people of Boyle for the community benefit”. Looking forward to 2025, Ciaran highlighted some of the key focus areas: “We plan to launch the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) for Boyle early in 2025. This plan has been drawn up following several meetings with members of the public and it will feed into the Boyle 2040 plan which is our master plan for the ongoing redevelopment of the town”. “We have the Hot Air Ballooning Championships to look forward to, we will have to lean in with preparations to make sure Boyle maximizes the opportunity”. “A focus of 2025 will be supporting expanding opportunities for people who want to participate in volunteering in Boyle; we need to think more holistically around how we can pool resources in a structured fashion to ensure events in Boyle are future proof and are platformed to build year on year” he concluded.