Boyle Town Health Check survey takes place on Thursday

A number of Masters Students from NUI Galway will visit Boyle on Thursday November 14th to carry out a street survey.
This survey will collect information needed for the development of the ‘Boyle Town Health Check’ and has been devised in conjunction with the National Town Centre First Office.
Approximately sixteen students and two lecturers from NUIG will be at a number of locations in Boyle town on Thursday to carry out the survey. They will work in groups of 2 i.e. 9 groups throughout the town. it is hoped to complete at least 100 surveys on the day.
Devised by Roscommon County Council in conjunction with Boyle Town Team, the Town Centre Health Check provides a baseline to help, monitor and drive the development of Boyle town centre going forward. It will build on previous studies previously carried out. The work of the Town Centre Health Check will include
- Land Use surveys to establish the overall vacancy rates in the town.
- Retailer surveys to establish current levels of commercial activity and outlook.
- Pedestrian counts to establish actual town centre visitor numbers.
- Shoppers surveys to rate visitor experience and satisfaction.
Members of the public and business owners are encouraged to participate on Thursday and give their views on their experiences in Boyle town centre.
The survey is an opportunity to shape Boyle town centres and strengthen it into the future, to make it an attractive place to work, live and visit and your participation would be appreciated.