Boyle Town Health Check Survey available online

In November, sixteen Masters Students from NUI Galway along with two lecturers visited Boyle to carry out a street survey.
The survey collected information needed for the development of the ‘Boyle Town Health Check’ that was devised in conjunction with the National Town Centre First Office.
As the students compile all the information gained in the survey, they are now making it available online for any person who they did not get to interview on the day.
The survey is available here and only takes a few minutes to complete. Your participation would be very much appreciated.
Devised by Roscommon County Council in conjunction with Boyle Town Team, the Town Centre Health Check provides a baseline to help, monitor and drive the development of Boyle town centre going forward. It will build on previous studies previously carried out.
The purpose of the survey is to provide people with an opportunity to shape Boyle town centre and strengthen it into the future, to make it an attractive place to work, live and visit.