
Boyle Summer Show takes place this Sunday

The 2024 Boyle Summer Show will take place in Lynch’s Field, The Warren, Boyle this Sunday August 11th.

There are horticulture, homecraft, home baking, home produce classes along with master craftwork, photography and a junior section.

Entries can be dropped off at the main marquee between 9.30am and 11.45am.

The popular dog show will also be held once again under canvas. There are 21 classes to choose from – so bring your best doggy friend along on the day and enter one of the classes. Dog show entries accepted from 12 – 1pm.

Rules: – All dogs must be on a leash. Handlers must be in complete control of dog at all times. Children under 10 years are not allowed to show dogs. No more than two 1st prizes will be awarded to any dog. Entries can be submitted by email or on Show Day – they will be taken from 12 noon. All cash prizes and best spaniel are sponsored by Stewart’s Oil, Boyle. Judging commences at 1pm. Judges decision will be final.

On the day there will also be a Little Pixie/Little Fairy/Little Elf Competition and a Glamorous Granny or Gorgeous Grandad, Best Dressed Adult competition and Funky Footwear competition. Judging will take place throughout the day.

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