Boyle Parade sponsorship sought

It’s all systems go in Boyle for the annual St Patrick’s Day parade on Sunday March 17th.
The organising committee are currently collecting the sponsorship required to cover the €4,000 annual cost of holding the event.
This year there are three different sponsorship options available – Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Each sponsor will receive a window stickers, depending on the level of sponsorship, to show they have supported the parade.
Gold costs €100, Silver costs €50 and Bronze is €25.
The committee will also advertise all sponsors on the Boyle St. Patricks Day Facebook page.
If you would like to donate, please contact any committee member or you can lodge directly to the committee Credit Union account as follows, starting your business name as a reference:
IBAN: IE41BORN99215620390001
The committee are encouraging as many business as possible to enter a float to make the day an enjoyable spectacle.