Boyle man to cycle to Lourdes

A number of cyclists from the general area will depart on Friday from Dublin as they make their way on two wheels to Lourdes.
Among those undertaking the 65ok cycle is well known Boyle man Noel Hanmore from Knockavroe.
Noel will be joined by Peter Banahan, Ballinameen and the Ardcarne father and son pairing of Tommy and Jack McCawley among others.
An annual event, this year the members of Windmill Wheelers in Elphin are flying to France and then will cycle from Paris to Lourdes, a distance of 650km – as the second leg of their 4 year plan to cycle to the Rock of Gibraltar.
Each of the cyclists are funding their own trip with all monies raised being donated to the Mayo Roscommon Hospice.
The cyclists hope to raise €30,000 this year.
You can make a donation here