Boyle Golf news 18/3/14

The second round of the Spring League took place last weekend with Charlie O’Donnell, Joey Mullaney & Pat Conroy still leading on 120, 2nd Brendan Gaffney, Maura O’Farrell & Michael Rush (121, 3rd Ross Andrew, Sandra McCrann & Paddy Nangle (122.4). Commenting on the leading team’s loss of form since round one an anonymous source (Charlie) said they wanted to keep the competition alive for the sake of the club and those taking part. We thank them for this magnanimous gesture! Final round is this coming week and can be played anytime between Wednesday and Sunday. The weekly nine hole re-entry can be played any day Monday – Sunday.
Last weeks nine hole was won by Liam Mullaney 22pts, 2nd James Shivnan 21pts.
Please see noticeboard for details of new foursome’s competition. Draw will take place on March 23rd. Games commence from April 1st. Teams will consist of a low and high handicap.
Entry sheet for The King Harmon is on the notice board. Draw to take place Sunday April 7th.
A club outing will take place to Loughrea on Saturday April 12th. Cost will be €30 per person including breakfast roll and meal afterwards. First tee off 11.30. Please check noticeboard for details.
Date for your diary is the next Golfer of the year competition on Sunday March 30th.
Please send your 2014 membership fees to Geraldine McDermottroe, Membership Secretary, Carrick Road, Boyle.
Congrats to the organisers of the Patricks Day Parade for a great turnout last Monday