Boyle golf club weekly update

The long awaited re-opening of the course is upon us with play re-commencing on Monday the 18th of May. There have been a significant number of first time applications for membership in the past week, all of whom are most welcome. Whilst everyone in the club is delighted to be back up and running, there are a few temporary stipulations to be observed.
All golf, no matter how casual, must be booked online in advance of playing. This is an obligation imposed on the Golfing Union of Ireland by the HSE. Failing to observe this jeopardises our re-opening and may lead to golf nationally or locally being off limits again. The use of the course will be for members only at this time, which is a significant change for our club as we have always welcomed visitors paying “green fees”. However, non-members who wish to join will be very welcome and we will try and set them up with GUI numbers for booking golf as soon as possible. There will also be some changes on the course, the most obvious of which will be the lack of flagsticks on the greens. The GUI have specified that measures must be taken to ensure removing the ball from the hole is as “contactless” as possible and we envisage having another solution in place ahead of the return of competitive golf on June the 8th. These changes were all approved by a management committee meeting which took place via Zoom on May 14th. Please enjoy your golf and be part of the collective effort to keep golf up and running.
January – 1st Liam Mullaney, 2nd Michael Simon, 3rd Margaret Egan.
February – 1st Margaret Egan, 2nd Mandy Toolan, 3rd Paddy Nangle.
Prizes – 1st place 70 euro, 2nd and 3rd 40 euro apiece.
Condolences to Liam Mullaney whose mother passed away last month.