Boyle golf club update

Results from the 9 hole competition played on Sunday the 12th of January were as follows :
1st Lochlainn Conboy 24 points, 2nd Ross Andrew 21, 3rd Sean Heslin 20.
The Fourball Betterball scheduled for Sunday the 19th could not take place as scheduled due to frozen greens and has been deferred.
MEMBERSHIP – The Committee would be grateful if all members could make an effort to pay their subs early in the year as it makes planning the years activities much more straightforward. Reminder letters have gone out to existing members. For anyone else looking to join/rejoin, some of the main rates are as follows ( A full list is available on the club website, Junior – 60 euro, 1st year adult beginner – 170, Student -145, Under 30 – 275, Distant -185, Full Single 395, Senior Single (65+) 295, Family 660.
Cheques can be given to Lorcan Egan, Elphin Street, Boyle or electronic transfers made to: Bank of Ireland, Main St, Boyle. IBAN IE59 BOFI 905328 22439700.