Boyle golf club update

RESULTS – The clubs’ Christmas scramble was a great success both in terms of turnout and enjoyment levels. It was played on the 27th of December and the winning team on the day comprised of Terry Canning, John Joe Carty and Jim Callery. In second was the team of Aisling Gaughran, Lorcan Egan and Seamus Gallagher. Third place went to Killian Egan, Gary Carty and Cillian Conboy.
Patrick Egan’s 40 points sufficed to win the final competition of 2018, an 18 hole stableford played on Sunday the 30th of December. Paul Connolly had 39 points for 2nd place and prodigal son Willie Tiernan made a very welcome return to the winners enclosure in Boyle Golf Club with 36 points. Gerry Carty claimed the prize for best gross score.
An 18 hole stableford was held on Sunday the 6th of January and was won by Tommy King with a great score of 41 points, with David Wynne’s 38 points taking 2nd, beating Gary Carty on countback.
NEW RULES – 2019 sees the adoption of some very significant rules changes in the game of golf, which will affect multiple facets of the game including the correct manner to drop a ball, the time allocated to search for a lost ball, the ability to now leave a flagstick in the hole when putting, among many others. The overall aim of these rules was to both simplify the game and to speed up play, but given the scale of the changes it is inevitable that people will incur penalties during 2019 for unwitting breaches of the rules. Boyle member Jim Mooney , who is a respected GUI tournament referee , was requested by the mens’committee to do a presentation on the new rules for members of the club. He has very kindly agreed to do this in the clubhouse on Thursday the 17th of January at 8 pm. This is open to all members of the club to attend, men and ladies. We strongly advise members to attend to help reduce the chances of being on the wrong end of the new rules during 2019