Boyle Golf Club news

RESULTS – An 18 hole stableford took place on Sunday the 28th of January and first place went to Patrick Egan’s 39 points, with Paul Connolly claiming second place and Tom Kearney 3rd, both with 37 points. Sean Heslin won the prize for best gross score, also having had 37 points for his round.
VOLUNTEERS – One of the clubs greatest assets has been the willingness of many members to engage in voluntary work on behalf of the club whether that be in the clubhouse or out on the course. It is hoped that voluntary work on the course will re-commence this year from the 16th of February. If you are interested in helping out in any small capacity during the year , please make contact with Volunteers Co-ordinator, Michael Rush.
SPRING LEAGUE – The first round of the Spring League had been due to take place on the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd of February but the persisting low temperatures forced the closure of the course for the 2 days.
FIXTURES – The big event in the club calendar for February is the Captains and Lady Captains “Drive-In” on Sunday the 24th of February when respective captains Seamus Gallagher and Regina McLoughlin will get Boyle’s golfing year off to its official start. We ask all members to come along to this most social of occasions and show support for your captains for the year. The format of the competition itself on the day will be a 9 hole scramble for ladies and gents, ideal for getting the rust off after the winter months.