Sunday’s 18 hole was cancelled due to bad weather and will be re-arranged. Thursday night’s competition was won by Lorcan Egan 19pts, 2nd Charlie O’Donnell 18pts, 3rd Jonathan Egan 18pts
Fridays Scramble was won by Patrick Egan, Susan O’Mahoney, Paddy McLoughlin & Lewis Shaw, 2nd Brendan Gaffney, Gerry O’Hara & Peter Leydon, 3rd Michael Reid, Eithne Gaffney & Cillian Doyle.
Saturdays “Last Man Standing” was won by John McGuinn (20th), 2nd Cillian Doyle (19th), 3rd Cian Smith (19th. “Last Lady Standing was won by Sandra McCrann (17th), 2nd Moira Egan (17th).
Well done to Niall Kearney who won his King Harmon semi-final against Seamus Gallagher and is through to the final against Lionel Lynn.
Competitions for this week are the Mens Competition on Thursday night; Friday will be the Lady Presidents Scramble & Barbeque, please put your name on the noticeboard. Sunday is Lady Presidents Day and we send best wishes to Liz Dwyer for a great day. The Lady Presidents Prize to the men also takes place on Sunday. Tee times are before 9.00am or after 2.30pm. Presentation of prizes will take place on Sunday evening.
Last weekends Captains Prize to the juniors were won by Ciara Rooney and Seth Meredith. Other prizewinners were Enda Carr, Niamh Brogan, Sean Brogan Niall O’Donnell, Lorcan Connolly, Maeve Brogan, Mathew Lawlor, Garett Mullen, Grainne Rooney, Brian O’Connor, Kevin Beirne, Thomas Guckian, Christopher Lavin, Shane Lavin, Daniel Casey At the presentation Sandra McCrann & Michael Rush thanked all the Juniors and parents who took part and thanked Brendan, Moira, Paddy and all who helped with the coaching on Saturday mornings. Ciara Rooney and Seth Meredith, on behalf of the prizewinners thanked all the coaches during the season and thanked Susan for arranging the competition.
The club extends sympathy to Jack Fallon & Family on the passing of Connie Fallon RIP. May She Rest in Peace.