Boyle golf club news

STORM ÉOWYN AFTERMATH – Over the Bank Holiday weekend, the club organised 2 sessions for volunteers to clear some of the debris left on the course by Storm Éowyn. The session on the Monday was especially well attended, and the course was a hive of activity between people driving tractors and quads, and operating chainsaws, leaf blowers and also a variety of hand tools.
Many others did the painstaking walk of walking up and down fairways removing branches by hand from the “in play” areas. The 4th green in particular had 2 very large trees lying across it which took several trailer loads to remove ( after many hours of chainsawing). It should be noted that many of the members who put in several hours work on the course are still without power themselves at home.
Volunteerism is the life blood of any small club such as ours and despite the huge destruction caused by the storm, the response from members brought some genuinely positive vibes to the club. The state of the course will be reassessed during the week.