Boyle golf club news

The fifth of the series of Winter League 18 hole Stablefords took place on Sunday the 1st of December.
This weeks winner was Gerry Carty with 40 points, 2nd and 3rd were Sean Heslin and Liam Mullaney with 37 and 34 points respectively, and Lorcan Egan had the best gross score.
Next Sunday the 8th of December is the date for this years “Bonanza” competition, one of the highlights of the club’s Christmas season. The competition is for ladies and gents, played as an 18 hole Stableford, with prizes for all who take part. For anyone who hasn’t had the privilege this year of walking up to accept a prize from the table, this will be about as good as it gets for 2019! It is usually a very social occasion and gives members a chance to show support for the incoming captains. All members welcome.
The overall club AGM, the “management AGM” ,took place on Sunday the 1st of December . The following were elected to the club’s management committee for 2020 – Chairperson ( and mens’ Captain) Lorcan Egan, Lady Captain Therese O’Daly, Ladies Competition Secretary Mary O’Hara, Secretary Brendan Gaffney, Greens Convenor Willie Tiernan, House Convenor Vincent Egan, Children’s Liaison Officer Jim Mooney, Committee Members- Susan O’Mahoney, Liam Mullaney, Mandy Toolan and Jonathan Egan.