Boyle golf club news

KING HARMON CUP – The last matches in the King Harmon Cup took place in quick succession this week, with Sean Heslin beating Michael McHale in the second semi-final, progressing to the final later in the week versus Padraig O’Connell. Sean might have been considered the favourite going into the final, having a number of majors under his belt over the years as well as being known as one of the most consistent scorers in the club. However it was not to be, and Padraig capitalised on a recent great run of form to capture his most significant title to date, 2019 winner of the club’s matchplay trophy, the King Harmon Perpetual Cup, which has been competed for within the club since the 1930s. Well done Poc.
LADIES AGM – The Ladies AGM took place on Sunday the 10th of November, chaired by the 2019 captain, Regina McLoughlin. The following committee was elected for 2020 – Captain – Therese O’Daly, President – Mandy Toolan, Secretary – Regina McLoughlin, Treasurer- Fiona Keenan, Handicap Secretary – Susan O’Mahoney, Competition Secretary – Mary O’Hara . Committee members – Geraldine McDermottroe, Eithne Gaffney, Críona O’Donnell, Liz Dwyer.
The club extends its thanks to Regina McLoughlin for her service to the club during 2019, and congratulates Therese O’Daly on becoming the 2020 Lady Captain.
MANAGEMENT AGM –The overall club AGM, the “management AGM” , will take place on Sunday the 1st of December in the clubhouse at 5pm. Members are welcome to put motions forward for the AGM, proposal slips are available below the main noticeboard in the front hall. Motions must be available for viewing on the noticeboard for at least up 14 days prior to the AGM.
RESULTS –The third of the series of Winter League 18 hole Stableford took place on Sunday the 17th of November.
The top spots went to Padraig O’Connell,Owen Garvin and Liam Mullaney respectively, with Lorcan Egan winning the gross.
The Winter League continues over the next 2 Sundays.